Tuesday 19 June 2007

The future

Looking around the blogosphere, I have been very struck about the general agreement between bloggers concerning the Church. I'm sure there are dissenters; it's just that they don't seem very apparent. There seems to be common, even overwhelming agreement that (amongst many other things):

1) The probable general indult for wider use of the traditional liturgy is to be welcomed.
2) The new ICEL translation is a vast improvement on the current one.
3) We like our Catholic religion Catholic.

Given that we are an entirely self-selecting bunch of people—anyone can start a blog— the concurrence of thought is very interesting. In other words, among those actually interested enough to put their thoughts into a public forum, there is a huge consensus on these subjects.

Now, were I a Roman prelate (or even an English bishop) trying to assess how a thing will go down, I would pay close attention. After all, blogs are now widely read.

And so it makes it all the more puzzling that the English and Welsh bishops feel that the really crucial thing that they need to do is dissuade Pope Benedict from permitting people to celebrate the traditional Mass a little bit more often.


Rita said...

Your absolutely right. I've done some trawling myself, trying to find Catholic blogs sympathetic to our more liberal, Tablet loving brothers and sisters. I can't find one! For example, the only blog I've found that mentions media darling Lavinia Byrne, is the Hermeneutic of Continuity! Also, the only blog to mention a publication of Fr Tim Radcliffe's is an Anglican one.

We do live in interesting times.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but liberal bloggers wouldn't put themselves on a list of CATHOLIC bloggers, would they? Or even have the word 'catholic' in their blog names in case anyone should think them 'unable to think for themselves' - a frequent charge brought against orthodox catholics. Try searching for something more way out!

Anonymous said...

I, too, have noticed that those of a more liberal, 'Tablet' bent haven't got blogs to vent their spleen about such things as the Latin Mass, etc. and I have come to the conculsion they are far too busy working towards peace and social justice issues to have either the time or the inclination to bother with such things.

Unlike those who whinge on (ad nauseum) about the return of the Latin Mass and fiddleback vestments, the liberals are less concerned with outward appearance and pomp and ceremony and more concerned with loving the Triune God in a real and practical way. You don't find THEM throwing their toys out of the pram ....

Ttony said...

Liberals don't need to blog. They have the Tablet, the Universe, the Catholic Times, and a large number of sermons every Sunday spreading their word for them!

Father John Boyle said...

I suspect the prelates are reading. My archbishop said he had seen me in a bireta - where? - on the parish blog.

Anonymous said...

"I suspect the prelates are reading..."

I hope they are. These fora are the only way ordinary Catholics (and many of them are extraordinary, indeed heroic) can get across the message about the real state of the Church in this country.

I'd like to think there may be a positive outcome from the bishops being aware of the silent majority and their sincerely held and, generally, faithful, views and concerns.

Anonymous said...


Does having a love for traditional (and obedient) liturgy ipso facto preclude us from being concerned with peace and justice?

Sorry about the Latin; it's often so much more concise than English!

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that those of an 'orthodox' nature blog because they are marginalised within Catholicism and are therefore seeking the support network of a group mentality. Alternatively, those of a more 'liberal' nature do not need to blog as they hold power within contemporary British Catholicism and can therefore spend their time doing something else.