Tuesday, 1 April 2008


I attended a Mass yesterday in which the celebrant lamented that the 'story of humankind' was deliberately distorted even by its name: History.

It should, he said, be called Herstory.

I have no further comment. Feel free, yourselves.


PeterHWright said...

Herstory ?
Oh, good grief.

I wonder what Herodotus would say.

Volpius Leonius said...

If that is the case why are there lots of men in it?

It might not have been so bad if he had said Ourstory but Herstory?!?!?!

Is it grounds for instant excommunication to strike a cleric Father?

Anonymous said...

Oh for goodness sake! Perhaps it should be Theirstory? Or Ourstory? One'story?

No, let's go back to History - did no one point out that it's God-the-Father's-story? And Fathers are always 'He' - did they not notice?

Anonymous said...

Damn himetic in drag.


leutgeb said...

That's not all.

What about 'hymns?'

Should that not be herms or better still thems or even themns?


Anonymous said...

Well you said it all Fr!

Ttony said...

If you can be this ignorant of English, and still be allowed to celebrate the Ordinary Form in English, do you need to be able to say anything more than Veni Vidi Vici, to be able to get away with saying the Extraordinary Form in Latin?

I worry that you can be this ignorant and be ordained.

Do I mean ignorant or stupid? Or both?

I have fantasised about walking out of a sermon in the middle of Mass: I think this would have done it.

Mulier Fortis said...

*throws up in wastepaper basket*

Anonymous said...

I can top that! I attended a Latin Mass in the Ordinary Form at Westminister Cathedral the other week in which the celebrant introduced the penitential rite by saying "Fratres et Sorores, agnoscamus ... etc etc"


PS: If you're going to be PC in Latin, shouldn't it be "Sorores fratresque"

Dominic said...

They said that last week, March 2008.

How very retro. 1970s, or something.

And horrendous

gemoftheocean said...

ttony, the last couple of weeks with the pastor filling in at Mass, I've been very tempted to light up a ciggie during the sermon... and I don't even smoke.

Cathy said...

This isn't an April Fools' wind up is it? (It should be, but I fear it isn't)

Mulier Fortis said...

The worst case of a priest tying himself in knots because of a wish to be inclusive came during a prayer when he started "Jesus our Brother... and sister"

What? Don't you think someone might have noticed... probably about 8 days after he was born...??

Anonymous said...

Would you mind having a look at these two new vocations blogs and, perhaps, posting something about them to let people know that they're around:


God bless you!


gemoftheocean said...

Fr. Dude! Whatup? You haven't posted lately. Hope everything is okay.

Josephus Muris Saliensis said...

Are you OK, Father, much has happened since this last post before the papal visit across the ocean, and silence from Your Reverence. Conditional prayers are perhaps in order, and thus provided.

In this holy month of May, Sancta Maria, ora pro illo.

Padre Steve said...

I think I need a tums... ugh! Keep smiling and God bless! Padre Steve

ignorant redneck said...

There goea my sobriety.

Fr Longenecker said...

The one I like best is the US Mailman who had to be called a 'person person'.

Anonymous said...

An April fool I fear .....?

Anonymous said...

We’d be most grateful if you would post about three forthcoming Latin Masses in Ireland:


Also, we’d be very grateful if you would put out blog on your list of blogs.

God bless you!

St. Conleth’s Catholic Heritage Association

Joyful Catholic said...

Where are all the St Jeromes when you need them???????????

Anonymous said...

But you can't even use the word person beacuse it's got "son" in it. What about the people who are perdaughters?

Crux Fidelis said...

I'm fed up with all this so-called inclusive language. The hymn book used in my parish is full of it eg "Our God Loves Us". One hymn which has been ruined by it is "Be Thou My Vision". One line has been changed from "Thou my true father and I thy true son" to "true heir". Why not go the whole hog, one wonders, and substitute "monarch" for "king" and "parent" for "father".

As for all this "God our Mother" and "Jesus our sister" malarky, I notice that the proponents of this kind of language are quite content for Satan to remain exclusively male.

"It's the nuns who are behind all this" was what one elderly Irish priest confided in me.

Unknown said...

Hi Fr Justin,
i have been searching the web for a translation to:
it is under a crest or coat of arms on an old silver snuff / tobacco box,
can you help?
thanks in advance

Fr Justin said...

Non nova sed vetera
Not new, but old.