Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Communion in the hand

The auxiliary bishop of Karaganda in Kazakhstan speaks about his new book Dominus Est, and his dislike of Communion in the hand. From Gloria TV (Thanks to GF for the link).

Click here.

Sorry I couldn't embed the video: for some reason the html script didn't work and I don't know enough about that sort of thing to correct it.

The Mass shown near the beginning is a curiosity; clearly a concelebration in very splendid vestments, yet all the concelebrants genuflect before the elevation.
Is this an old-rite ordination where the ordinati stand at the altar instead of using prie-dieus?
(I can't bring myself to write prie-dieux—it looks like polytheism) Or is it a rather tradded-up version of the novus ordo?

The answer will be found in the comments box: many thanks to Gregor.


WhiteStoneNameSeeker said...

I haven't watched it.
But on the Communion in the hand vs tongue; I receive on the tongue. However there are times when I wish I had no crutches and I could receive on the hand because for some reason two or three of the EMHCs are incapable of placing the host on my tongue properly and with no paten I have terrifying moments of thinking I am going to drop My Lord!

Dr. Peter H. Wright said...

Gosh !

Father asks a difficult question.
I've re-watched the video, and I really don't think it's posible to tell, but I think I would guess it's the latter, although it could be the former. (Not a very decisive answer : I think this is called hedging one's bets).

The bishop speaks with great conviction. I like it very much.
I would like to hear more.

Somehow, the fact that English is clearly not his first language seems to lend weight to his words, as he seems to ponder what he is about to say, and then speaks with great precision.

He is obviously a man who loves the Lord, reveres the Blessed Sacrament, and understands the heavy responsibility a bishop carries.

We could do with him over here.

P.S. I doubt there is a plural form of dieu (except, as Father points out, in the polytheistic sense). The same would apply to Deus, but not to deus. And, of course, to Theos, but not to theos.

I wonder why the French use a small "d".

Anonymous said...

It's just a guess, but the -x might not indicate a plural form here. Rather, it could be the Tironic Note -x, which replaced the Latin ending -us. When the meaning of the Note was being forgotten, a -u- was generally introduced, even though it was already expressed by -x.

Cathy said...

Here's the only thing I can think of:

It's obviously a new Mass, it just looks like instead of the profound bow they *should* have made, the concelebrants genuflected along with the main celebrant.

Even if all the "concelebrants" were really ordinandi and this was an EF Mass, they would *not* have genuflected along with the celebrant, even in an old form.

That's the only thing I can think of.

This is exactly what an ordination Mass (the only Mass concelebrated at my parish) looks like, and it's a new Mass.

This is a very pretty Mass they have clipped into this interview - I wish I could see more!

Oliver Hayes said...

I had problems embedding the video onto my blog The Expectation of Our Lady as the script would not work: after many fruitless attempts it worked all of a sudden. There is probably something wrong with the Java script.

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Anonymous said...

This is a novus ordo ordination for the Servi Jesu et Mariæ in Lower Austria. Yes, the genuflection before the elevation is not in the new books, but somehow I cannot really regard this as an abuse. As for the concelebrants genuflecting: I cannot for the life of me understand why that isn't the rubric anyway. The faithful kneel, and the celebrant genuflects; only the concelebrants remain standing before Our Lord having come down on the altar. Does this make any sense?

Fr Justin said...

Gregor: thank you for solving the mystery. And I am in wholehearted agreement with your remarks.

Anonymous said...

This article by Kazakstan bishop is translated in Russian and published in the almanach "Traditio Viva" (edited by Una Voce Russia)